Putting Your Best Foot Forward.
There is no denying that shoes carry an emotional connection in our journey of life. From school shoes, sports shoes, to formal shoes, there is a pair of shoes for every age and stage. But, are we giving the best care to the brand-new shoes that we choose and wear with pride?
We did a customer behavior study as a prelude to establishing HappiShu. We could clearly see that though people loved spending considerably to lay their hands on their favourite pair of shoes, they were at a crossroad and stuck when it came to proper shoe maintenance to keep them in pristine condition.
We think it is perfectly understandable!
In this fast paced world, spending 30-45 minutes to clean and maintain shoes is not something everyone can afford. Don’t worry! We have your back. We offer one of a kind shoe cleaning service that will save you precious time and keep your shoes as good as new for years to come.